Inkbrook Design: The Portfolio of Mackenzie Cameron

Resume | Portfolio | About Me |

Inkbrook Design

About Me     |     Portfolio


Professional Experience

UX Designer- Brazen | 7.21 - 1.23
Lead the product team with data driven workshops and visual design.

UX Designer- Enel X | 10.20 - 7.21
Driving product enhancements through iterative design and research

UX Designer- Bullhorn | 10.17 - 10.20
UX Generalist, applied design thinking to industry-leading B2B products for the staffing industry. Drove user-centered delivery through research and by supporting teams with clear visual design mockups.

Associate Instructor - General Assembly | 5.17-9.17
Mentored UX students and laid out curriculumn slides.

UX/UI Designer - Evil Overlords | 4.17 - 5.17
Designed and developed user facing game interfaces.
Game Developer - Artana | 12.15 - 2.17
Rigorously user-tested tabletop games.

General Manager - Gourmet Boutique | 11.11 - 12.15
Organized & oversaw chocolate tasting events.

Game Leader - Eureka Puzzles | 12.11 - 10.14
Lead teams through gamified events.


UX Design Immersive - General Assembly
Built out a portfolio of UX Design Projects.

BA Creative Writing Ithaca College
Studied concise communication

Minor Audio Design in Game Devolopment
Studied the practical skills of audio development.

Personal Projects

Game Director - MegaGames United | 3.15 - Ongoing
Orchestrated 60 person, 6 hour gaming experiences.

Comic Creator - Going OverBoard | 7.10 - 1.15
Wrote and illustrated a board game webcomic.


UX Design
Narrative Design
Copy Writing
Game Design
Project Management
Web Development
Visual Design


Adobe Creative Suite
HTML, CSS, & Javascript
Final Cut Pro
Pro Tools & Audacity
Microsoft & Google Office Suites

A painting is every brushstroke, a story is every word, a game is every piece, and an app is every pixel.